Our Values & Vision


We Help Kids Discover their Passion (by making stuff they love)

At Chub And Bug we make stuff your kids will love. We connect your kids to what they love to help them discover their passion. Do you remember being a kid and discovering something new and how much you delighted in it and obsessed over it? Through the passion we exhibited when playing with the “stuff” we loved as children, we discovered who we were and more importantly developed the skills to become the people we wanted to be. Likewise at Chub And Bug, we hope to inspire creativity and imaginative thinking by helping you and your kids dream big. Our fantastic characters delight children and help to immerse them in a magical world where anything is possible. They can build worlds, imagine fantastic characters, and tell their stories. In short, we help them build worlds where they can be anyone they want to be and conceivably do great -- or even impossible--things.

We Nurture a Sense of Wonder ( by inspiring the imagination)

Wonder is the art of being curious or possessing the innate desire to know something. Being in a continuous state of wonder results in surprise mingled with delight and admiration--a kind of awe. Our goal at Chub And Bug is to help make kids even more "wonder-ful"--to instill in them a sense of wonder and awe at the world and its possibilities. The best grown-ups remain kids at heart. The more curiosity kids display as children. the more intellectually curious they become as adults, holding on to a deep desire to know "things". It is a state of mind that encourages life-long learning.



We Champion Innocence (by celebrating childhood)

At Chub and Bug, we are champions of innocence. Most brands currently develop art and design for children that encourage them to grow up at increasingly younger ages. Unlike those brands, Chub And Bug celebrates and relishes in childhood. More importantly, we do everything possible to help kids maintain and nurture their innocence. For us, "innocence" is about trust and openness. As we grow older, through bad actors and experiences, we lose our trust in people and faith in the greater good. And when we lose trust, we stop allowing ourselves to be "open" to new ideas and experiences. Accordingly, our goal is to keep and build trust in children so they can remain open to new ideas and influences. The more open children remain, the more inclusive and creative they become