

Hi! I’m Lynn, and I believe that we’re never too old to be kids. I also believe that kids discover who they truly are through imaginative play. But children’s imagination must be sparked and nurtured through the images and stories they are surrounded by.

And that’s where I come in. I like to create adorable art and decor that will delight and inspire kids at any age.

Nursery Name Signs: Twin Nursery Décor You Can’t Do Without

Nursery Name Signs: Twin Nursery Décor You Can’t Do Without

How to Personalize Your Twins’ Nursery

I’m sure you’re very excited to welcome your new twins home. But before they arrive, you have some work to do. You’ll need to prepare their room and make sure that it’s ready for them. 

As you may know from my bio, I’m not only an identical twin myself, but I also have twin boys. Yep, that’s right. That makes me a twin and a twin mom. Double the fun in so many ways. But I can tell you as both an identical twin and a twin mom, when your children look exactly alike it’s actually difficult to know which one is which. When twins are babies it's even more difficult. Even though I swore I would never mix up my kiddos names given how much it happened to me as a child, I caught myself doing it completely by accident. 

So how do you prevent this when you’re a mother of twins? Simple. You invest quickly in nursery name signs, art or lettering and you quickly put those nursery name signs over each baby’s crib so you never make the mistake 99 percent of parents of multiples make–which is confusing your kids! In other words, with singleton newborns, personalizing your nursery with a nursery name sign (and later personalizing your kids' school supplies) is purely decorative. But this is simply not the case with a nursery for twins. Nursery name signs are not only essential for a twins baby room, they are a life saving tactic moms of twins have been using for centuries to make parenting newborn twin infants not only possible, but also safe. 

However, just because your nursery name art is actually practical, not just decorative, doesn’t mean you can’t take the time to create beautiful and fun name signs and wall art that not only complement your nursery design or theme but can also help give each one of your twins a strong sense of self, personal identity, and individuality. Twins in general have a more difficult time developing a unique sense of self and identical twins have an even harder time. So the creative act of developing amazing nursery signs can have a long lasting and positive impact on your children.

So what does that mean? It means that it’s time to get the nursery name signs ready! Here are some ideas on how you can make your own nursery name signs for twins, and if you’re frazzled and don’t have the time to make your own, we also provide some great options to purchase just the right nursery art for your kiddos. 

Pick a Theme

Your first step should be to decide on a theme based on the type of twins you have, and whether they are opposite sex fraternal (boy/girl) or same sex fraternal or identical  (girl/girl or boy/boy). If your twins are the same sex, choosing a theme that can grow with them is important. There are themes that can easily be adapted as they get older. For example, if you start out with “Teddy Bears” and then move onto “Bunnies” when they turn one year old, transitioning the nursery into a big boy or big girl’s room will be easier, more cost effective, and will still look amazing.

However, there are hundreds of possible themes to choose from. So where do you start? Some of the best themes help to transport you and your little ones into a magical place are themes dedicated to baby animals. Babies and small children love baby animals and find them both fun and comforting. Baby animals in your theme can serve a dual purpose, including both decorative and social–animals are cute and make your nursery adorable but they also provide companionship to your little one, which can help sooth them from bad dreams and night terrors. Here are some popular baby animal themes:

If baby animals aren’t your cup of tea or if your twins aren't identical boys or girls (which makes it easier), pick fun themes that are easy to customize for each child's personality.

Some themes specifically geared toward twins are:

  • Twin Names  (fraternal and identical boy or girl twins)

  • BFF–Best friends forever (fraternal and identical boy or girl twins)

  • Miracles come in pairs (fraternal and identical boy or girl twins)

  • Sun and moon (fraternal, boy/girl twins) 

  • Peas in a Pod (identical twins or multiples)

  • Ballerina–Swan lake (identical or fraternal girl twins)

That’s right, the first theme on this list is twin names. Why? Because choosing twin names is much more difficult than it is for singletons, and twin moms spend a lot of time and energy creating twin names that blend well together but also provide each twin a unique identity. So in this way, developing a theme entirely around their names–the names you’ve likely spent months choosing–is an excellent idea.

Most importantly though: make sure whatever theme you choose is fun and easy to decorate. It's going to take up so much time before their arrival—you'll want it all over as soon as possible in order to enjoy every minute of celebrating their birthday together!

Find and Shop for Supplies

  • Review the supplies you’ve already purchased. Check the list I provide below and determine how many supplies you still need to purchase.

  • Buy the bulk of the remaining supplies from a craft store. There are many things you can buy in bulk at a craft store, including signs and frames. If you can’t find the wood you’re looking for at a craft store don’t be afraid to head on down to a Home Depot and purchase wood directly.

  • Buy additional supplies from a hardware store. If you’re looking for something more sturdy than paper or cardboard, then purchasing your frame materials at the hardware store is an excellent idea because it will last longer and be harder to break than some other materials available elsewhere. Hardware, which we discuss below, is often purchased at a hardware store, duh! 

By combining all three strategies above—using what you already have on hand, purchasing supplies from a craft store and buying remaining hardware from a hardware store, you’ll be able to get exactly what you need without having to spend all day driving around town between different stores looking for what you need and it will be a lot less expensive. 

Prepare the Sign

If you’re the super crafty type (and you might be since you’re reading this blog ;) you likely have most of the supplies you need. But if you’re new to the DIY scene, you may need a few supplies to complete this project:

  • Plywood or 1/2" thick material

  • Sandpaper if you’ve bought raw wood

  • Paint and paint pens (wood or outdoor variety)

  • Paintbrushes (depending on the size of your sign)

  • Pencils (not the kind you use for writing)

  • Stencils (for lettering the names)

  • Hammer, saw and drill bit to make holes for hanging your sign (these can be found at any hardware store)

  • Screwdriver and level so that you can make sure your sign is straight and level when it's hung up on the wall

  • Hanging hardware 

Once you’ve gathered your supplies, you’ll want to ensure the plywood or hard background of the sign is well-sanded and smooth.  When your wood is smooth, it’s now ready for background paint and varnish if you’d like a “glossy” enameled look. 

Paint at least two coats of your chosen paint on the wood, taking care to let the first coat thoroughly dry between coats. 

This last preparation step is optional. If you prefer a glossy look, you’ll then want to apply a coat of varnish to “lock” in the paint and ensure moisture won’t damage your nursery name signs.

Add the Letters and Finish

Now it's time to finish and add the details. 

You'll want a paintbrush to add the letters and a small paint pen to finish off edges and write on additional details like your twin babies' birth date, and so on. 

Take your stencils and use double stick tape to secure them to the wood. Next carefully fill in each letter with a thick coat of paint. Be careful not to lift off the stencil until the pain is dry! 

Once the paint is dry, carefully remove the letter stencils and voila! You should be staring at your babies’ beautiful names :)  

Now it’s time to “decorate” your nursery name sign. You can choose to embellish your sign based on the theme you chose above. This is the fun part–where you get to be super creative. When you’re planning your sign, try to take into account how much space you’ll have around the letters to maximize the space you’ll have to illustrate it using your theme of choice. 

If you’re designing a teddy bear nursery for identical boy twins, this is where you can draw an adorable bear or two and then use your paint pens to color them with splashes of brown, blue, green or orange. If you’re choosing a safari theme, for example, you can use bold patterns and colors. Pencil in a cute black and white zebra and long-necked Giraffe on the side in bright yellow and brown.

Don't be afraid of color! Adding bold colors is one way you can make your nursery decor stand out in an attractive way.

Secure Hanging Hardware

Once your nursery signs are complete and the names are colored and you’ve embellished it with custom illustrations and designs, you still need to hang them. 

That’s where hanging hardware comes into play. There are three main types of hanging hardware from simple to most complicated:

  1. Nails

  2. Saw-tooth bracket and nails

  3. Hanging wire and screws

As I noted above in the supplies list, you can purchase hanging hardware from a hardware store but likely a craft store as well. 

Before you hang the signs, you’ll want to use a “level” tool and a stud finder to mark off the exact location in the wall where you’ll nail in hardware, such as nails. 

Once you’re sure your signs will be level once hung, simply nail your custom made nursery signs into the wall or you can nail the saw-tooth bracket and then simply “hang” the signs on a nail in the wall of your nursery. Finally, if you chose hanging wire, you’ll want to screw in the wire on both sides of the sign, and then gently “hang” the signs on nails or other hardware already placed into the nursery wall.

How to Purchase Name Nursery Décor for Twins

But what if you just don’t have the time to complete custom nursery name signs for your soon-to-be twins? Or what if you’re just not in the mood to be creative because you’re carrying large babies inside your body, right? If that’s the case you may want to consider purchasing some custom nursery name signs at Chub & Bug.

Here is our elegant Peony & Hydrangea nursery name signs for twins and also doubles beautifully for a Paris theme nursery. Add your little ones' names at checkout and these beautiful signs will get delivered to your doorstep. 

Peony and Hydrangea Twin Name Nursery Signs in Black and Pink

Beyond name signs you can choose twin wall sets and have your twins names printed over the image. Our Swan Lake set is perfect for twin girls, especially fraternal twin girls who don’t look exactly alike ) 

Steps to get the perfect name signs for your nursery:

  1. Visit the Chub & Bug twins wall art section and select or search for “personalized” tag or visit our Personalized wall art section 

  2. Browse and select your theme or print you want to personalize

  3. Next select your material. You can choose from a wide variety of materials including both metal and wood. However, you may want to choose a canvas print and have it framed?

  4. Add twin baby names for each of print, and choose a font style and color for your text (or just leave it black.)

It’s that simple. 

Making Nursery Name Signs Is a Fun Way to Welcome Your Twins Home

Making nursery name signs is a fun way to welcome your twins home. It’s a great way to personalize your twins' nursery and it’s also a great gift for a new momma!

These are so easy to make, too. You can easily find some cute letters at the craft store or even Target! They are made out of wood so they are sturdy enough to hang on your wall without worrying about them falling down or breaking like other types of materials may do.

Making your own name signs is cost effective, but don’t think that just because you made them yourself they’ll look cheap. In fact, the more home made they look, the more authentic they look. 

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

We hope you’re ready to get your creative juices flowing and start planning for the arrival of your twin babies! Making your own nursery name signs can be a wonderful and rewarding activity while you’re waiting for your twins’ arrival. 

If you have any questions about how we make our name signs or would like help with your own, please reach out to us today. We can assist you with any questions or concerns that arise during this exciting time.

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